Airtel bundle pack! 20 min + 1GB at 20tk!

Here is the small bundle internet pack for airtel user. Get 5 minute on 3tk bundle, 50mb for 5tk, Also get 1GB internet data pack bundle for 20 & 35tk. Find details in below.

3 tk minute pack: Get 5 minute for 3 day. Dial *21291*970#.

5 tk bundle pack: Get 5 minutes with 50 mb internet at 5tk only. By dialing *121*005#. Keep the minimum account balance at least 5tk to check your eligibility. internet data validity 3 day.

20 tk bundle offer:
et 20 minute and 1GB internet at 20tk only. Dial *21291*831# to check your eligibility. Internet and talktime validity 7 day. This pack is not valid for all user.

35 tk bundle offer: Get 40 minute & 1GB internet for 7 day. Dial *21291*977# for check your offer eligibility. This pack is not valid for all user.


  • Keep the minimum balance for package.
  • Only prepaid customers eligible to get those offer.
  • Talktime minute can be used any operator (on-net, off-net).
