Airtel small data pack and minutes bundles of 2 tk, 3 tk, 5 tk, 10 tk, 11 tk, 15 tk now available for customers. There also available sms and low cost vas services for their valuable customers.
Click here to Download my airtel app (from google play store) and earn free internet. 350 MB to 1GB internet data bonus on every successful share /refer.
Big deal with airtel. They provides various small plans for their valuable customers. Most of airtel mini data packs available on their official "my airtel - bangladesh" apps. Which can be find on google play store. A customer can claim lowest pack direct from app without any extra charge.
Scroll down... and choose your low price data packs or voice bundle to click "Buy Now" and confirm on next page.
To get this offer dial *21291*970# from any prepaid airtel connection. (Not sure about, all user eligible or not). Minute validity 1 day from activation. Checking code: *778*0# or *778*29# or *778*56#
Bonus minutes and 150 mb data validity 3 day. Data check ussd *8444*88#. Minute check *778*0# or *778*29#.
Click here to Download my airtel app (from google play store) and earn free internet. 350 MB to 1GB internet data bonus on every successful share /refer.
Big deal with airtel. They provides various small plans for their valuable customers. Most of airtel mini data packs available on their official "my airtel - bangladesh" apps. Which can be find on google play store. A customer can claim lowest pack direct from app without any extra charge.
2, 5, 10, 11, and 15 tk data offer:
Those packs are available on "my airtel" app. To get this pack, tap /click on "Buy Packs" logo. Will show the internet, Voice, Combo & Redeem Point page. (as like this post picture!)Scroll down... and choose your low price data packs or voice bundle to click "Buy Now" and confirm on next page.
3 tk 5 minute offer:
To get this offer dial *21291*970# from any prepaid airtel connection. (Not sure about, all user eligible or not). Minute validity 1 day from activation. Checking code: *778*0# or *778*29# or *778*56#
5 tk 150 MB + 5 minute offer:
This special offer not for all regular sim user. But, customers may try this USSD code *212*005# dialing to confirm their eligibility. Keep your minimum sim account balance 5tk.Bonus minutes and 150 mb data validity 3 day. Data check ussd *8444*88#. Minute check *778*0# or *778*29#.
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